Continue SSC, Jr


Continue SSC, Jr


Week 2: Drawstring Bag Project
1/3 Yard each of medium-weight woven fabric for the lining, 1 fat-quarter for the exterior base, and 1 fat-quarter for the accent piece at the top of the bag
1 1/2 yards of 1/3” wide cotton twill for the drawstring and all-purpose thread

Week 3: Zipper Bag Project
1/4 yard canvas weight fabric for exterior
1/4 yard medium-weight cotton for the interior
9” standard polyester zipper,
1/4 yard fusible fleece
all-purpose thread

Week 4: PJ Pants Project
2 yards of medium-weight woven cotton or cotton flannel with no stretch
1 yard 3/4” wide non-roll elastic for the waist
PJ Pattern
free download by Patterns for Pirates

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